Description: This data layer contains the buffers of the known and indicated karst features. These buffers are known as the "Probable karst areas". "Probably karst areas" were defiend as areas that: (1) lie within a half mile of a known or indicated karst location, and (2) are underlain by carbonate or gypsiferous bedrock with an overburden of less than 20 feet of noncorbonate bedrock and/or unconsolidated material as shown by comparison of 7.5-minute bedrock-topography and bedrock-topography maps to surface topography.
Service Item Id: 396a610353954ecf8a6b3906f40e3ecd
Copyright Text: Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Geological Survey
Description: This data layer contains two geologic lithology types and two category classes of depth to bedrock. These geologic lithologies are known to contain karst features due to their makeup. The addition of classifying the drift thickness is used to show how the shallower depth of drift usually is more likely to have karst features than the thicker drift areas.
Copyright Text: Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Geological Survey
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: lith Field 2: depth_over Field 3: N/A Field Delimiter: , Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A UniqueValueInfos:
Value: LS,NO Label: Silurian- and Devonian-age carbonate bedrock overlain by less than 20 feet of glacial drift and/or alluvium Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: LS,YES Label: Silurian- and Devonian-age carbonate bedrock overlain by more than 20 feet of glacial drift and/or alluvium Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: LS-SH,NO Label: Interbedded Ordovician-age limestone and shale overlain by less than 20 feet of glacial drift and/or alluvium Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: LS-SH,YES Label: Interbedded Ordovician-age limestone and shale overlain by more than 20 feet of glacial drift and/or alluvium Description: N/A Symbol: